

     VOTING IS YOUR POWER. It is a known fact that many of us still didn't give importance to Vote during elections. Why to Vote? If you are one of those people who think that voting is a complete waste of time and keep on complaining about how the government which is in power is the total failure, then probably it is time for you to realize the importance of voting, and do your bit towards enhancing the functioning of the government. Be it a Councillor, Sarpanch, MLA or MP- It is the people of the nation who have the right to put forward the policies that will affect the town, your job, your country, and your overall life through governing bodies. While there are some people who genuinely cast their vote, many people sit back and relax on voting day, and others are cajoled into voting for particular candidates for some petty benefits. The highest recorded voter turnout in India was recorded in 2014 for loksabha elections at 66.4%. That means close to hal


              HEALTHY SEEDS 1. Super seeds with amazing benefits! Seeds are a powerhouse of nutrients and have a myriad list of health benefits to offer. They contain healthy monounsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats and many important vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. They are important additions to our daily food consumption. You can incorporate small amounts of seeds in your diet to enjoy their health benefits. Here are 8 nutritious seeds you should add to your diet because of their impressive health benefits. 2. Flaxseeds Flaxseed is packed with nutrients like protein, vitamin B1, omega-3 fatty acids and important minerals such as zinc, magnesium and copper. Two tablespoons of flaxseeds contains 6 grams of fiber and 4 grams of protein. 3. Chia seeds Chia seeds are a rich source of protein, especially for vegetarians. They are high in iron and folate, as well as calcium, magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids and soluble fiber. They are best for

Boiled Egg Diet – You Can Lose 11 Kg In Just 14 Days

There is no person in the world that would say no to a fast-weight loss method, and this article will show you a way to do that. You can easily melt the unwanted fats with boiled egg diet. This diet is really effective because it will keep you full for a longer period of time and plus it will speed up the metabolism and that will result in faster process of fat burning. You will need eggs, some vegetables and some citric fruits for this diet. One of the most important parts is to drink a lot of water, especially if you want better results since that will help more in the detoxification process. The recommended amount is 8 glasses. Most of the cases where the person is all the time hungry are because that person lacks water. That is why you should drink enough water, plus you will boost your energy levels. This diet is quite simple and everyone can try it. You will need to forget about junk foods when you are on this diet, and you will also need to limit the intake of sugar an

The First Letter Of Your Name Reveals A Lot About You

Below, you’ll be able to find out what does the first letter of your name says about your personality. A.  You may well appear to people as rude and arrogant, but your taste for things is extremely sharp and you know exactly what you want in your life. You’re bad at reading between the lines, so you’re very direct person. B.  You are very strict about your privacy, you value it more than anything else and you ask from people to respect it strongly. Also, you are very emotional and empathic person. C.  You represent a combination of Social and Control “freak”. You love to be among people as a matter of fact you can’t stand being alone. As for the control freakiness goes, you simply need to have every sphere of your life under control. D.  Your exterior shows people your strong and unbreakable side, so often they’re even a little bit afraid of your strength. However, your interior hides a very caring and gentle soul. E.  Communication is your key to everything, you need yo


7 Ways to Make Money Online  Without Being Scammed… To be perfectly honest there are many different ways to make money online, and working from home can be extremely rewarding. But there’s a big difference between a legitimate online job or opportunity and the unsolicited offers that often find their way into your inbox. This is why we’ve put together a list of real ways to make money from home. These are all legitimate companies and methods which allow you to start getting paid for a wide range of activities with little or no investment on your part. Feel free to explore the ideas on this page, join the discussions & leave your response below, or suggest an idea we haven’t thought of yet. #1 Get an Online Job… If you want to earn income at home then you may think the most obvious solution is to get a work-at-home job. Well you’re right! Unfortunately many internet scams specifically target people searching to work at home. To avoid falling for any kind of