It is a known fact that many of us still didn't give importance to Vote during elections.

Why to Vote?

If you are one of those people who think that voting is a complete waste of time and keep on complaining about how the government which is in power is the total failure, then probably it is time for you to realize the importance of voting, and do your bit towards enhancing the functioning of the government.

Be it a Councillor, Sarpanch, MLA or MP- It is the people of the nation who have the right to put forward the policies that will affect the town, your job, your country, and your overall life through governing bodies.

While there are some people who genuinely cast their vote, many people sit back and relax on voting day, and others are cajoled into voting for particular candidates for some petty benefits.

The highest recorded voter turnout in India was recorded in 2014 for loksabha elections at 66.4%. That means close to half of the population does not exercise their right to vote. Even after 72 years of independence, India has not proved itself to have control and order. People are driven by religious beliefs rather than what is good for the country. But politics is wound up in frivolous matters rather than paying attention to uplifting the poor, quality education, resolving the water crisis, preserving the degrading environment, improving agriculture and so on.

Let me put forward few valid and important points regarding "why to vote". When we will realize the importance of voting then only we can think of whom to vote and whom not to vote.

Fundamental right
Being a citizen of this country, our constitution has armed us with a strong fundamental right of voting and it is our moral obligation of choosing the elected members and the government that we want. Voting is a hard-earned privilege, not a gifted one. So we should not take it for granted.

Value your opinion
Voting ensures that your opinion is taken into account while appointing the person who holds the power. People who are elected have the power to formulate educational policies which are instrumental in shaping the future of children, and hence, the future of the nation itself.
The right representative
A low voting turnout eventually does not represent the true result that could have been. It may happen that a particular candidate or government comes to power because its supporters turned out to vote in large numbers. The result in this case, though completely valid, but not reflect the true picture.

Correct message
In a democratic system, voting simply translates to sending out the right message to the government. It is only fair that a nonperforming government must be punished and one that has been doing a good job be appreciated and voted to power. And this is the responsibility of every citizen of the country.

Before Independence, our freedom fighters struggled to win our freedom and we have the right to vote because of them. Exercising our right to vote upholds what our freedom fighter envisioned for India. We can honor and respect them only by voting for a better India.

Whenever next time there is an election in your city or state, think😙 of the people who are living under tyrannical dictatorship😠 or are under the curfews and cannot exercise their right to have an opinion. Our right to vote is our right to expression and opinion. Do not take your right for granted. Try to appreciate the power of voting by exercising it.

Please do comment your views and suggestions on this.


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